Monday, May 2, 2022

A Book is Born!

I write this post not to advertise for myself, but to praise God for His infinite mercy, patience, and love.

Long ago, a seed was planted within my heart to write for the glory of God. In my vocation as a wife and mother, there was no lack of inspiration. What there was, however, was my own pride and lack of confidence. Instead of relying on the Lord to direct my path with this, to care for and grow that seed, I believed it was up to me. I believed this, yet I had no ability to discern the proper path, nor did I have the humility to get over myself enough to realize that God has given me a gift, and with it, the obligation to use it for His glory, despite any shortcomings I perceive about myself. I did keep a blog for many years (not this one), and through it, despite my lazy attitude toward its upkeep, (which wasn't quite as bad as the one I have for this blog), I managed to meet other women much like myself. I learned so much through them. And, I was often encouraged to write a book. Eventually, I started one. But it took a long time to finish, (over 10 years, actually), and not only because of my lack of time to work on it due to my focus on my children and home life. I was never confident that I understood what was being asked of me. Sometimes I felt like I was wasting my time. Thankfully, just this past year, I had some spiritual direction with a wise and trusted priest, who encouraged me to pursue that to which [I felt] God was calling me, leaving the results up to Him.

The journey has been very long, and at times, painful and difficult. I am almost 100% positive that the devil did not want this book to be written because he hates children and he hates the fact that we mere humans are capable of creating them, and so I felt very spiritually attacked, especially the closer I got to actually publishing it. But, by the grace of God, publish it, I did, and I hope it will not only be a source of inspiration and encouragement to other Catholic mothers like me, but more so, a means to glorify God and direct others to Him. It is only by His grace, and with His guidance, that this book has come to be. It is only for Him that I write. His mercy on me through my stupidity and slowness, laziness and pride, His patience while I took my sweet time, and His enduring love: I praise Him for it all. 

Please, I beg of you to pray for me! I do not wish for this to become a source of pride. One of my friends, who read this book before it was published, texted me and said, "I love you! Only one page in and, man, you are writing my heart!" My response to her, and I truly meant it, was, "I do not want people to love me for what I write. I want people to love God for what I write (or in spite of it)." 

I desire to always feel this way.

In any case, if you are so inclined as to purchase a copy, you can do so, here: The Longest Labor.  Or, if money is tight, but you really want to read this book, please email me.

To Him be all the glory.

Deo Gratias!